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Biology, epidemiology and sustainable management of plant diseases

TAG: plant pathology, mycology, biological and integrated plant disease control, phytopathological biotechnologies, food safety

The research group focuses on the study of diseases of fruit, vegetable and cereal crops, particularly investigating the biology and epidemiology of the main plant pathogens, risk analysis, development of biological control agents, biostimulants and innovative techniques to promote sustainable management of plant diseases.

In a direction that focuses on innovation processes and technological transfer, the objectives set by the research group are:

  • Characterization of fungal and bacterial populations associated with the most important diseases of fruit and horticultural crops (apple, kiwi, berry fruits, peach, cherry, strawberry), cereal crops (corn, rice), medicinal crops, hazelnut and grapevine;
  • Study of the epidemiology of plant diseases and their prevention in a context of climate change;
  • Study of the interaction between pathogens and plants cultivated under stress conditions;
  • Evaluation of sustainable protection strategies against plant diseases that can be used in conventional and organic agriculture, including biological control means and substances alternative to chemicals.

  • From SOil to Soil: origin and remediation to KIWIfruit Vine Decline Syndrome (SOS-KIWI). Progetto finanziato da AGER – Fondazioni in Rete per la Ricerca Agroalimentare (2023-2027)
  • CLARITY – CoLletotrichum Assessment and Re-evaluation to Improve the knowledge on plant pathogenic species recently reviewed in their TaxonomY. Progetto finanziato da EFSA (2023-2026).
  • Marciume lenticellare da Neofabraea alba delle mele: biologia, epidemiologia e difesa. Progetto finanziato da Fondazione Edmund Mach (2023-2026).
  • Unveiling the plant exposome to dissect a multifactorial disease: the kiwifruit vine decline – KVD-BIOME. Progetto PRIN finanziato dal MIUR (2023-2025).
  • PREST.APPLES – Fungal postharvest pathogens of apple in a climate change scenario: PRediction models, Epidemiological studies and sustainable control Strategies. Progetto PRIN finanziato dal MIUR (2023-2025).
  • PNRR, Missione 4, Componente 2, Investimento 1.4, Centro Nazionale per le Tecnologie dell’Agricoltura (AGRITECH), Spoke 2 (2022-2025)
  • Fondazione Laimburg Biology, epidemiology and control of Ramularia spp., agents of dry lenticel rot on apples. Progetto finanziato da Fondazione Laimburg (2022-2025).
  • MIRARE – Avversità del MIRtillo in Piemonte: dove e come combAtteRlE. Progetto finanziato da Fondazione CRT (2021-2024).
  • KIRIS - La moria del kiwi – Approfondimento sull’eziologia e strumenti di prevenzione e difesa. Progetto finanziato da Regione Piemonte (2020-2022).

  • Guarnaccia, V., Kraus, C., Markakis, E., Alves, A., Armengol, J., Eichmeier, A., ... & Gramaje, D. (2022). Fungal trunk diseases of fruit trees in Europe: pathogens, spread and future directions. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 61(3), 563-599.
  • Martino, I., Agustí-Brisach, C., Nari, L., Gullino, M. L., & Guarnaccia, V. (2023). Characterization and pathogenicity of fungal species associated with dieback of apple trees in Northern Italy. Plant Disease, (in press).
  • Prencipe, S., Schiavon, G., Rosati, M., Nari, L., Schena, L., Spadaro, D. (2023). Different species of Phytopythium are involved in the establishment and development of Kiwifruit Vine Decline Syndrome. Microorganisms, 11, 216.
  • Waqas, M., Guarnaccia, V., Bardella, S., Spadaro, D. (2023). Molecular characterization and pathogenicity of Diaporthe Species Causing nut rot of hazelnut in Italy. Plant Disease (in press).
  • Sanna, M., Martino, I., Guarnaccia, V., Mezzalama, M. (2023). Diversity and pathogenicity of Fusarium species associated with stalk and crown rot on maize in Northern Italy. Plants (in press).

ARO, Volcani Center, Bet Dagan (Israele)
Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria)
Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Pechino (Cina)
Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcellona (Spagna)
Citrus Research International (Sudafrica)
European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation, Paris (Francia)
FERA, York (Regno Unito)
IATA-CSIC, Valencia (Spagna)
Instituto de Ciencias de la Vid y del Vino (Spagna)
Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans Knoell Institute -
Meiji University, Tokyo (Giappone)
Mustafa Kemal University (Turchia)
Newcastle University (Regno Unito)
Thammasat University, Bangkok (Thailandia)
United States Department of Agriculture (Stati Uniti)
Universidad de Cordoba (Spagna)
Universidad de Cuyo, Mendoza (Argentina)
Universidade Federal de Goiás (Brasile)
University of Atatürk (Turchia)
University of Aveiro (Portogallo)
University of Davis (Stati Uniti)
University of Edinburgh (Regno Unito)
University of Liège (Belgio)
University of Lleida - IRTA (Spagna)
University of Pretoria
University of Reading (Regno Unito)
University of Stellenbosch (Sudafrica)
University of West Indies (Trinidad e Tobago)
University of Wageningen (Paesi Bassi)
University of Zagreb, Zagabria (Croazia)
Wageningen University and Research Centre (Paesi Bassi)
Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute (Paesi Bassi)


Last update: 30/11/2023 18:31
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