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Trace element and stable isotope - Open Access Lab

The laboratory hosts a series of high analytical performance instruments aimed at supporting the research carried out within our Department and University, assisting the scientific training of researchers, as well as offering an analytical service to external clients.

Area: characterization of materials

Elemental Analysis and Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (EA IRMS)

  • Elemental analyser for solids (Elementar UNICUBE)
  • Elemental analyser for liquids (Elementar VARIO TOC CUBE)
  • Elemental analysed for solids (Elementar VARIO ISOTOPE SELECT)
  • Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (Elementar ISOPRIME 100).

The laboratory deals with:

  • Carbon (organic/inorganic), nitrogen, hydrogen, sulfur contents in solid samples
  • Soluble Carbon (organic/inorganic) and total nitrogen in liquid samples
  • Bulk carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope ratios in solid samples
  • Assistance with the application of elemental and isotope analytical techniques
  • Training on the utilization of the infrastructure.

Services provided by this lab are available to all researchers of the University of Torino, and also offers analytical services to external clients. All the instruments are managed by qualified personnel. All users are invited to get in touch with the contact person for more information on the utilization of these facilities, pricing and analysis time.

Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP MS)

  • Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (Perkin Elmer NEXION 350X with Elemental Scientific 2DX autosampler)
  • Liquid chromatography pump (Perkin Elmer Series 200 LC Analytical Pump equipped with Perkin Elmer Brownlee validated AQ C18 Column).

The laboratory deals with:

  • Analysis of most trace elements in aqueous solutions or extracts of solid matrices
  • Application of ICP-MS for the chemical characterization of various materials in the fields of agri-food, environmental, biological, geological and material sciences
  • Quantification of isotopic abundances of certain elements by removing spectral interferences thanks to the presence of a collision/reaction cell
  • Speciation of certain elements (e.g., As) by LC-ICP-MS
  • Acid digestion of solid samples
  • Assistance with the application of trace element analytical techniques on environmental, agricultural and food samples
  • Training on the utilization of the infrastructure.

Services provided by this lab are available to all researchers of the University of Torino, and also offers analytical services to external clients. All the instruments are managed by qualified personnel. All users are invited to get in touch with the contact person for more information on the utilization of these facilities, pricing and analysis time.

Last update: 29/11/2021 12:12
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