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Agrometeo lab - Open-air widespread laboratory of agrometeorology

L'Agrometeo lab non è un laboratorio tradizionale, allestito in uno spazio protetto in cui vengono effettuati esperimenti in condizioni controllate. Si tratta di un insieme di stazioni elettroniche di rilevamento agrometeorologico dislocate sul territorio in contesti agrari concreti, alcune inserite in reti di monitoraggio istituzionali (Rete AgroMeteorologica della Regione Piemonte-Assessorato Agricoltura-Settore Fitosanitario, Rete MeteoIdrografica regionale dell'Arpa Piemonte). Ciò ne fa un laboratorio a "cielo aperto" diffuso sul territorio per l'osservazione dell'andamento meteoclimatico reale.

: agrometeorology, weather observations and monitoring, crop and water management, agronomy 4.0

Equipment and technical specifications

Coordinates: 44° 53' 12.55'' N, 07° 41' 10.17'' E, 232 m a.s.l.

Installed since 1993 at the Agricultural and livestock experiment station Tetto Frati in Carmagnola and inserted in the Weather and Hydrographic Network of Arpa Piemonte, the station (CAE S.p.A., San Lazzaro di Savena, BO, Italy) is equipped with sensors for measuring the following quantities:
  • Air temperature at 10 meters
  • Air temperature at 1.5 meters
  • Air relative humidity at 1.5 meters
  • Atmospheric pressure
  • Rain at ground level
  • Rain at 2 meters
  • Wind direction at 10 meters
  • Wind speed at 10 meters
  • Wind speed at 2 meters
  • Global solar radiation
  • Reflected solar radiation.

Coordinates: 45° 3' 54.80'' N, 7° 35' 31.25'' E, 291 m a.s.l.

Installed since 2005 at the Campus experiment station of the University of Turin in Grugliasco and inserted in the regional Agrometeorological Network (RAM) of Piedmont Region, the station (Siap+Micros S.p.A., San Fior, TV, Italy) is equipped with sensors for measuring the following quantities:
  • Air temperature at 2 meters
  • Air relative humidity at 2 meters
  • Rain
  • Wind direction at 10 meters
  • Wind speed at 10 meters
  • Wind speed at 2 meters
  • Global solar radiation
  • Active Photosynthetic Radiation (PAR)
  • Soil temperature at 2 depths.

Coordinates: 45° 02' 27.25'' N, 07° 50' 00.85'' E, 340 m a.s.l.

Installed since 2017 at the Fruit experiment station Tetti Grondana in Chieri, the station (AgroSense system/MeteoSense 2.0 GPRS - Netsens S.r.l., Sesto Fiorentino, FI, Italy) is equipped with sensors for measuring the following quantities:
  • Air temperature at 2 meters
  • Air relative humidity at 2 meters
  • Atmospheric pressure
  • Rain
  • Wind speed at 2 meters
  • Wind direction at 2 meters
  • Global solar radiation.

The station (AgroSense system/MeteoSense 2.0 GPRS - Netsens S.r.l., Sesto Fiorentino, FI, Italy) is equipped with sensors for measuring the following quantities:

  • Air temperature at 2 meters
  • Air relative humidity at 2 meters
  • Atmospheric pressure
  • Rain
  • Wind speed at 2 meters
  • Wind direction at 2 meters
  • Global solar radiation
  • Soil temperature and humidity at 2 depths (4 wireless units).

Applications and services

The laboratory deals with:
  • local agrometeorological monitoring for agronomical management
  • time series of meteorological observations
  • meteo-climatic analysis
  • measurement campaigns.

Access and rates

For more informations on how to access and rates, send an email to:
Last update: 29/11/2021 12:11
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