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Campus experiment station

The Research Center of Grugliasco is part of the Campus of the School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. It hosts various facilities and experimental sites relating to numerous research fields of the agricultural sector.
Thanks to its proximity to the teaching structure, it is also used for educational activities and demonstrations addressed to students in the various courses taught in the department.

The center occupies an area of ​​about 6 hectares and is equipped with experimental fields, greenhouses, tunnels, laboratories. Numerous demonstration equipment is also installed for students' educational activities.
A meteorological station for recording climate data and connected to the network of the Piedmont Region, finds space within the Center. Temperature and humidity data of the air, rain, direction and wind speed, soil temperature and soil moisture are recorded.

The Center hosts numerous research conducted in the following sectors:

  • agronomia
  • allevamento di insetti, pollame, conigli e pesci
  • colture fuori suolo
  • floricoltura
  • frutticoltura
  • malerbologia
  • nutrizione animale
  • orticoltura
  • patologia vegetale.



Largo Paolo Braccini 2, 10095, Grugliasco (TO)

Contact person: Carlo Grignani

Phone: 011 670 8504

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Experimental centers

Last update: 29/11/2021 11:26
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